SUGAR ROSES - Tombi Peck, Alan Dunn, Tony Warren

One of the best sugarcraft artists in the world is none other than Alan Dunn. To attend any of his classes would be a dream come true for me. But for now, I would have to settle for his books.
This is one of my references when making roses (as there are dozens of roses and I sometimes keep forgetting the variety that exist). And if you're into sugar flowers, especially roses, get this one. Very useful indeed. The clear instructions with photos make rose-making a fun and possible attempt for any amateur. Following are some of the pages in the book, to share.


  1. Love the way you displayed Alan's book! I have just reordered one for myself through Amazon, and I can't wait to get back into this one. I love it.

    I also love Jacqueline Butler, Ron Ben-Israel, and my secret favorite, Giovanna Smith! I think she has taught everyone, and is such a great secret that's being kept! I hope to take a class with her the end of this year. Here:

    Your website looks great! You have a lot of entries that I will be reading. Thanks!

  2. Ur welcome Nettie...will check out the site u gave...Keep in touch a few books more to share!

  3. Min dear,

    Yes he is one of the best. My friend, kak Farida went to UK and booked him for private classes. The fee, don't ask.

    If you are interested in learning the alan dunn way with kak farida, you can and she is teaching for a fraction of the cost at sugarflours. If you are interested maybe you can go to sugarflour's site and look for sugarfriends kat tab kat atas tu and she is the owner of planetcakes. She conducts classes kat sugarflours itself. Her works are meticulus and a reflection of Alan's work.

  4. ya wiz memang the best...wish can meet him
