A garden wedding...

A cake specially made for a couple who had a garden-theme for their cutting-cake ceremony. The bottom cake is 22 inch diameter, and it was pretty heavy.


  1. Assalamualaikumwbh...

    kak Min...it is so good to hear from you. Finally came back from the academy? Are you done with your pastry course?

  2. Salam ayu, yup, am back...phewww..penat sungguh..cant wait to start teaching again..how have your baking going on?

  3. :)Kak Min, I'am happy for you that u managed to get ur class done. I have been in Doha for almost 2 months oredy and be back next week insya'Allah...

    Owh..baking things? Boleh la...baru belajar kan...:o)

  4. mmm dok lah kak min....balik jap for my last semester.....
